Comfortable, even temperatures help to create pleasant working conditions that are conducive to personal well being, satisfaction at work and productivity. With Indoor Air Quality also under more scrutiny than ever before, office spaces, meeting rooms and reception areas can all benefit from versatile Savitru Aircon customised systems that improve the air quality, operate very quietly and are adaptable to future changes in room layout.
Inside office buildings, with a mixture of individual rooms, pods and open plan areas, the ability to provide flexible zonal control is an essential consideration when it comes to the selection of heating and air conditioning systems. What’s more, with Savitru Aircon, office partition layout changes can be accommodated by simply repositioning room outlets.
Savitru Aircon systems, which operate at sound levels less than NR20, help to improve working conditions by maintaining comfortable, even temperatures that meet legislatory requirements. By adding air purification, Indoor Air Quality issues are addressed and the risk of spreading indoor airborne viruses amongst staff is diminished.
High efficiency jet fan coils and air handlers are available with IkW – 32kW capacities for the small office spaces and multiple zone installations. Flexible noise cancelling ducting is conveniently positioned through ceiling spaces and wall cavities to connect with visually unobtrusive designer room air outlets. Simple, incremental installation ensures minimal disruption throughout the process.
Contact us now for a free quote on your project