Our hotel and leisure sdHVAC systems puts your guests comfort first, whilst also ensuring energy efficiency and complete control over operating costs. One of the biggest challenges facing hoteliers is getting the air conditioning right. Finding a system that puts the comfort of guests first whilst also ensuring energy efficiency and complete control over operating costs is paramount. Whether it’s new build or refurbishment projects, bedrooms, lounges, bars, conference centres or leisure facilities, Savitru Aircon modular hotel jet fan coils are designed to meet every requirement.
For guest bedrooms, comfort and tranquility are essential requirements. The combination of fan coils/ air handlers operating at low fan speeds, flexible noise cancelling ducts that connect to low turbulence room outlets with noise levels less than NR20, provide the perfect peaceful solution.
Whether its function rooms, leisure facilities, bars or guest rooms, customised Savitru Aircon solutions ensure that guest comfort, energy efficiency and interior design aesthetics are fully met. A choice of discreet and hardly visible linear grille and round room outlets are available to complement any indoor setting and ensure no compromise on the designer’s original vision.
Savitru Aircon offers the convenience of heating and cooling from a single source. Hoteliers, building services engineers and architects are benefitting from the versatility and energy efficiency of fully customised systems. Whether a new build or hotel renovation project, including historic properties, the proven energy efficiency of the system, its minimal service requirements and integration it with all major chiller/boiler plants and BMS systems is a major attraction.
Contact us now for a free quote on your project